Liminal Staff


Shannon Peavey - Senior Editor/Publisher

Shannon Peavey's stories have appeared in places such as Apex, The Masters Review, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies, among others.  During the Clarion West workshop of 2013, she met Kelly and discovered an eerily similar shared taste in fiction.  When not writing or working on Liminal, Shannon works as a horse trainer.  She would very much appreciate it if heroes in fantasy novels would stop riding nineteen-hand black stallions.  For Liminal, Shannon is seeking sharp-edged stories with a literary flair. You can follow Shannon on Twitter at @shannonpv.


Kelly Sandoval - Senior Editor/Publisher

Kelly Sandoval's fiction has appeared in Uncanny, Asimov's, Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, and other venues. Currently, she's writing an interactive novel for Choice of Games. She's a graduate of Clarion West's 2013 class. By day, she works as a writer/editor for a bank, which is about as exciting as it sounds.  Kelly's tastes in fiction run toward the broken and the strange. With Liminal she hopes to publish stories that challenge the boundaries of the expected. You can find Kelly on Twitter at @kellymsandoval.


Helena Bell - Senior Poetry Editor

Helena Bell's fiction and poetry have appeared in Strange Horizons, Rattle, Clarkesworld, The Indiana Review, and other venues. She holds MFAs in both Fiction and Poetry from NC State University and Southern Illinois University in Carbondale respectively. She's also a graduate of the Clarion West Workshop. Helena tweets at @HelBell.


AJ Gabriel - Artist and Assistant Editor

AJ Gabriel is an artist and writer local to the Pacific Northwest, where she's surrounded by good coffee, good wine and good friends. 


Laurie Noel - Artist and Assistant Editor

Laurie is an artist and illustrator. You can find information about her current projects at


Jane Eisenkopf- Artist

Jane Eisenkopf is an artist. You can find her on twitter as @ironheadjane. 


N.G. Lancaster - Artist

N.G. Lancaster is a writer/illustrator from Nebraska. He keeps black shirts and birds.


Sean Aldous - Artist

Sean is a 3D modeler and artist. Currently, he's creating a steampunk run-and-gun. You can find information about his current projects at


Tracy Durnell  - Artist

Tracy is a graphic designer and artist. She's involved in environmental outreach projects. You can learn more about Tracy at


Vince Haig - Artist

Vince is a graphic designer. You can learn more about Vince at


Mel Kassel - First Reader

Mel Kassel writes dark speculative fiction and humor pieces in Chicago. She loves stories that take their talking animals seriously. You can visit her online at and follow her on Twitter @melkassel.


Douglas Dluzen - First Reader

During the day Douglas is a human geneticist and studies the genetic factors of aging and age-related diseases. He also examines biological risk factors that contribute to health disparities in the United States. At night, he writes science fiction and fantasy short stories and is working on a novel. He lives in Baltimore with his wife, cat, and dog and dreams of becoming a full-time teaching faculty. He blogs about science and writing at The Ripples in Time  and tweets @ripplesintime24. 


Aimee Ogden  - First Reader

If Aimee Ogden had gone to Hogwarts, she would have been a Ravenclaw and her patronus would be She-Hulk; instead she went to Michigan State and UW-Madison and her mascot is Bucky the Badger. Her SFF stories have appeared in Shimmer, Daily Science Fiction, and The Sockdolager; you can follow her on Twitter @Aimee_Ogden.


Kate Lechler - First Reader

When she's not teaching or editing, Kate Lechler writes SF/F from a lawn chair in her carport in Oxford, MS. Her work has appeared in Podcastle, Metaphorosis, and Superstition Review. Find her at, or @katelechler on Twitter. 


Elora Gatts - First Reader

Elora is an editor with a startup in the Midwest. She spends her spare time contemplating the intricacies of history, literature, and perfectly soaked tiramisu.


Halie Danielson - First Reader