issue 5 - spring / summer 2018
Art by AJ Gabriel
Our reading period for Issue 5 of Liminal brought us stories of remarkable richness and depth. We love to find pieces like these -- ones that entertain, but also broaden our understanding of the world. And, as is always our goal, a story that makes Kelly cry!
Our first story, Vanessa Fogg's The House of Illusionists, portrays a world in which illusions can grant very real salvation. Jan Priddy's If It Were True Owls Dream shows the strange wildness of childhood, while Anjali Ravi's Cold Fish takes a strange and surreal look at the lasting effects of trauma. In Rachel Halpern's Till Human Voices Wake Us, a group of survivors band together after being held captive underwater, and J.M. Guzman's The Clearing of a Host depicts the tyranny of one man and his castle. Frances Rowat's Late Night at the Low Road Diner tells of how to feed a ghost, and in Vajra Chandrasekera's When Leopard's-Bane Came to the Door of Third Heaven, a pair of guards stand watch over a very unique door.
Our poetry this issue is Amie Whittemore's vivid To the Aliens, Letter #1.
Thank you, as always, for your continued support and readership. We hope you enjoy this issue!
Shannon Peavey, Kelly Sandoval, and Helena Bell, Editors